Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mental Health or Space

Do I think that Americans should worry about going into space or mental health?
I believe that mental health is more important. People struggle with this on the daily and make things hard for people. People end up wanting to die. We need to worry about Americans mental health. More and more people are becoming mentally ill. Also some cases people hurt others and are dangerous because of their mental health. I say that because people suffer or hurt other and themselves or just themselves that we should work on Mental Health.

What I'm Going To Do After Quarantine

There a stay at home order going on in most of America right now. The place where I live it keeps getting extended. Because of the stay at home order going on you only see your parents and siblings. So right after this is over I want out of my house and to see other people. I'm going to hang out with my best friends. We may go to a mall or go out to eat. I really don't care I just wanna hang out with them. I will also being going to my grandparents house. I miss them since we went from seeing them every week to none at all. I will also go to a restaurant and eat inside. I haven't been to a restaurant in awhile now. I want to go eat inside my favorite restaurant. This is what I will be doing when I can leave the house. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Meme and Quarantine Life


The quarantine has been making me go crazy. I miss my friends, all I want to do is hangout with them. I miss school, a lot. I miss everything I had were I could be social. But that's enough complaining. Here's what I've been doing over quarantine.I wake up at like noon then eat lunch and shower. I watch a lot of Tik Toks; I spend 5 hours a day on it. I've also been re watching Hannah Montana. I used to love the show and now I'm obsessed all over again. The TV show and the movie are amazing and they are both on Disney Plus so I can watch them whenever. I make cookies one day too. I went outside yesterday, since it was really nice out. That's how quarantine was for me.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The New Year

What was last year the year of?
Last year was the year of hanging out with my friends. My parents became more lenient and let me do a lot more than I used to do. Hanging out with friends is something I really in enjoy doing so being able to do that a lot made the year pretty good.

What will this year be the year of?
This year will be the year of happiness. I don't want to be negative about stuff or surround myself with negative or toxic people. I want to keep all the amazing friendships I have now, and possibly make new friends.

How can you improve your life for the new year?
I can improve my life this year by not being negative or always looking on the bright side. Just anytime something bad happens just and find good in it.

What was your favorite part of last year?
My favorite part about last year was the summer. I had lots of fun hanging out with my friends and I met a new great friend. I loved going to Florida with my best friend. I loved fair week with my best friends. This past summer was the best of my life.

What is most successful story about last year?
My most successful story of last year I became a big sister again. My little sister is adorable and super fun to help take care of. I babysat her and I actually did pretty good. This is my most successful thing because it's gonna be super fun for the next years to hang our with her and babysit her.

If I could celebrate the New Year from any part of the world, where would you go?
If I could celebrate the New Year in any part of the world, I would go to New York. I know that's in this country and we can go anywhere but I dream of going to New York on New Years. I want to see all the amazing people who preform there. I also want to see the ball drop.

What words would you use to describe last year in five words? What do these descriptions mean to you?
Five words I would use to describe last year in exciting and one of the best. I would use those words because it really was one of the best years yet. I had some much fun this year, I got a new baby sister and my dad married a great woman. This year brought me lots of great things. I was allowed to do a lot more and got to hang out with friends more.

Set three goals for this year and a plan for each one
Three goals for this year are to get better at basketball, my plan for that is to work on basketball a lot more. I want to at least spend 4 hours a weekend on it. One other goal is to become more responsible, my plan for this is to keep my room clean so I don't lose all my stuff. I could also write or put in my phone anything I have to do so I don't forget. The last goal for this year is to be more positive, my plan for this is to look on the bright side of everything.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friends, One Of My Favorite Things

Imagine liking something so much that you are always watching or looking it up.  Friends is a TV show that I can watch no matter what is going on. If I want to laugh or if I am just bored Friends is the answer. I am very passionate about the TV show.
The thing that got me started on watching Friends was Instagram. I always saw things about Friends on Instagram, and for some reason I thought I would like it. I was right, I always watch Friends now. Following a bunch of Friends accounts on Instagram, to see memes or random facts about Friends is the best choice I made. Seeing pictures of the cast now and then, is something I love to do. I’m also following all the cast members in the show that have Instagram. Looking at Friends memes and watching Friends are my favorite things to do.
Friends is always something that I can turn on and laugh. The show being so real and fun to watch, makes it impossible for me to not to watch the show all the time. It is one of the best shows, ever in my opinion. I like that I can just sit and watch Friends without worrying and just laughing.  I really like Friends because it is realistic. The friendship they all have is super cool, and they are always here for each other. I feel like having a friend group like is an amazing thing. They picked all the right actors to put into the show in my opinion.
Friends is the best TV show in the world, and I do not think it is possible for someone not to like the show. In the end, I think that Friends has changed how I use my free time. Overall, I think that if you haven’t yet watched it, you should start.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Holiday Fun

My favorite holiday is Christmas, I love this holiday because of all the joy it brings. Christmas is the season of giving. My family all gets together and hangs out, we have the best food. I love watching people open the presents I get them. I feel like Christmas is so pretty, with the trees, lights, and decorations. When I think of Christmas I think of happiness, and fun.

I made this word art with words that remind me of Christmas. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Emoji Challenge

Billy, the five year old kid felt really sick. He was just outside and playing in the snow two days ago. Billy did not however wear his coat, hat or gloves. Now poor little Billy is sick, but he doesn't want to miss school. His mother however notices he is sick. Billy's mom says he has to stay home from school, to get better. Billy now felt really sad. Billy's pet cat noticed Billy seeming sad so then the cat began to be sad as well. Sadly Billy picked up his cat and pet it on the couch. While Billy was sitting there he came up with an idea. He found out a way he could make it to school being sneaky, and not needing his mom to drive him. Billy idea needed his pet poodle to walk him to school. Billy would ride on the poodle to get to the school. Great idea right? Well not so much, Billy's mom caught Billy trying to ride the poodle out the front door. 

If you would like comment what Billy's mom reacts and what Billy will do next.
I bold faced the words that were associated with the emojis. 

Mental Health or Space

Do I think that Americans should worry about going into space or mental health? I believe that mental health is more important. People stru...